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SCHEDULE / ROSTER / FORMAT - 2018 East Coast Open

2018 East Coast Open
Please see the attached documents for this years East Coast Open Schedule Roster and Format.
Raleigh Craighead
Polo Manager
Cell 913-221-7516


2018 East Coast Open


August 24, 2018

Dear 2018 East Coast Open Team Members,

Please accept this letter as a notification from the Host Tournament Committee as to the Tournament

Conditions and Format for the 2018 East Coast Open. The following Tournament Format and Conditions

explain how the tournament will be structured and managed.

Tournament Format and Conditions:

All games will be played on the Handicap, not on the flat.

The tournament will be played in accordance with the 2018 international rules.

The tournament will be played in accordance with the USPA American system with one bracket of four


For preliminary matches each team will play each team in the bracket. Following the completion of the

bracket play, each team will be ranked 1 to 4 on their win loss record. In the case of a 2-way tie who

beat who will be used to break the tie. In the case of a 3 or 4-way tie, USPA Tournament Condition VI.g

Shootout Tournament Tiebreaker with 1 player from each team will be used to break the ties and

determine ranking of the tied teams.

For Semi Final Games the #1 Ranked Team Will Play the #4 Ranked Team and the #2 Ranked Team will

Play the #3 Ranked Team.

The winner of each semi-final will play in the 2018 East Coast Open Final

The Loser of each semi-final will play in the 2018 Tommy B. Glynn Memorial Cup


The Following Variances will be in effect:

Improper Blocking

During the execution of a knock-in, Penalty 5.a or 5.b, or a free hit resulting from a ball hit out of bounds, an

offensive player may not deliberately block a defensive player from marking the offensive player’s teammate

who has a play on the ball (i.e., deliberately set a pick on a defending player). When an offensive player

improperly blocks a defensive player, the Umpires shall call a foul and award an appropriate penalty. Improper

Blocking may or may not constitute Dangerous Riding, and result in a yellow or red flag under [Rule 33 (USPA

Outdoor Rules) or Section 5 (USPA International Rules)], depending on the degree of danger as determined in

the discretion of the Umpire.

New Interpretation for the “Improper Blocking” variances granted in 2018

For the purposes of this rule only, “the execution of a knock-in, Penalty 5.a or 5.b, or a free hit resulting from a

ball hit out of bounds” shall be deemed to occur from the time the Umpire calls “Play” until the time an

offensive player either hits away or runs with the ball. During that time period, improper blocking may occur

and be penalized anywhere on the field where an offensive player is deliberately blocking a defensive player

from marking the offensive player’s teammate who has a play on the ball.


Duration of Periods

The variance to International Rule 2. DURATION OF PERIODS, to play out the last 30 seconds of the final

regulation period, reads as follows:

b.) In the final regulation period, play will continue until the second horn or bell, or until a goal is scored unless

that goal ties the score in which case play will continue until the second horn or bell, or until another goal is

scored. If the play is stopped by the Umpires after the 7-minute horn or bell for any reason, the penalty,

throw-in or free hit, as the case may be, shall be executed. If the play is stopped by the Umpire’s whistle after

the 7-minute horn or bell for any reason, 5 seconds shall be allowed for execution of any penalty, free hit or

bowl in, as the case may be.

c. Should the score be tied at the end of the final regulation period, the game shall be resumed in overtime

periods with intervals between periods as provided in Rule 1, until one side obtains a goal which shall

determine the game. 5 seconds shall be allowed for execution of any penalty, free hit or bowl in, as the case

may be.

play dates:

Play dates will take place between Sunday, August 26th and Sunday, September 9th. Play dates and games are

subject to change if weather does not cooperate.

If the semi final round is not played by Friday, September 5th the top two ranked teams from bracket play will

automatically move to the 2018 East Coast Open Final and the bottom two ranked teams will automatically

move to the 2018 Tommy B. Glynn Memorial Cup.

NOTE: The Host Tournament Committee will schedule all games, game times and assign fields for all

tournament games. Dates of games are subject to change at the HTC discretion for any reason.

Third Man

Players having had a 5 goal or higher handicap will be called upon to third man for matches.

Instant Replay

Instant replay will be used for ECO Semi Final and Final. Bracket games will not have Instant Replay

Umpire Horses

Each team is required to provide two fully tacked umpire horses for each game they play. Umpire horses MUST

be suitable to play 20-goal polo. The umpire(s) will not umpire on any horse that is not suitable to umpire at

the 20-goal level. If an umpire rejects a horse, the team providing that horse must replace it immediately.

Feel free to contact myself or the HTC (Peter Orthwein (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Tony Coppola

(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Carlucho Arellano (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)) if you have any questions. I look forward

to a wonderful tournament.


Raleigh Craighead

Polo Manager



2018 East Coast Open



Chris Brant A

Toro Ruiz 6

Mariano Aguerre 8

Joaquin Panelo 6

Postage Stamp Farm

Annabelle Gundlach A

Brandon Phillips 4

Tomas Garcia Del Rio 7

Lerin Zubiaurre 8


Maureen Brennan 1

Peke Gonzalez 5

Matias Magrini 7

Mariano Gonzalez 7

Work To Ride

Daymar Rosser 1

Kareem Rosser 2

Gringo Colombres 7

Tommy Biddle 5

Pedro Gutierrez 5



2018 East Coast Open


Sunday, August 26th

3:00pm Postage Stamp Farm vs Iconica

Monday, August 27th

5:00pm Audi vs Work to Ride

Thursday, August 30th

2:00pm Work to Ride vs Postage Stamp Farm

4:00pm Audi vs Iconica

6:00pm Asado

Sunday, September 2nd

10:00am Work to Ride vs Iconica

3:00pm Postage Stamp Farm vs Audi

Wednesday, September 5th (Semi Finals)

2:00pm #1 Ranked vs #4 Ranked

4:00pm #2 Ranked vs #3 Ranked

6:00pm Asado

Sunday, September 9th

10:00am Tommy B. Glynn Memorial Cup

3:00pm 2018 East Coast Open Final