We have a fantastic line up of teams this weekend at West Wycombe. We have a couple of spots in the lower league available if you are still looking for a great weekend of polo. LEVELLeague 1:-2 to 0 goals League 2: -6 to -2 goals
ENTRY FEES Members: £80 Non Members : £110E:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: (Natalie) 07813 086 047Congratulations to Chillworth Farm for winning The Sponsors Cup. Team: David Barlow (-1), Jonty Barlow (-1), Tom Barlow (0) and Jason Ollivier (0). Runners up: WWPPC Team: Larry Frankum (0)/ Mike Hoare (0), Steve Collins (0), Ellie Hoodgwerf (-1)/ Mark Rose (-2), Camilla Swift (-1).
You can take your ponies for a dip in the river after the game, plus we have paddocks available overnight if you are travelling a long way. Please contact the Polo Manager for further info. Great low goal polo is an absolute promise...
QUATRO AMIGOS FAMILY 5th/6th Aug LAKESIDE CUP 19th/20th Aug AMATEUR CUP 2nd/3rd SeptFINAL CHUKKA CUP 23rd/24th Sept
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